media are
any media that are encoded in machine-readable formats. Digital media can be
movies or audio tapes. Digital media has a significant broad and complex impact
on society and culture. Combined with the Internet and personal computing, digital
media has caused disruptive innovation in publishing, journalism, public
relations, entertainment, education, commerce and politics. Created, viewed,
distributed, modified and preserved of digital media devices. Examples of
digital media include software, digital images, digital video, video game, web
pages and websites, including social media, data and databases, digital audio,
such as MP3 and electronic books. Digital media often contrasts with print
media, such as printed books, newspapers and magazines, and other traditional
or analog media, such as images.
Some god examples - you have mentioned the main difference between media and digital media well. It would have been interesting to look more at social media ( some people spent too long focusing on social media whilst ignoring the wider topic. ) youv'e gone the other way.