Monday, January 7, 2019

L05 Know It.

What is a "gap" in the market?

An unmet consumer need or a group of potential customers who are not yet purchasing a good or service. Gaps in the market represent opportunities for companies to expand their customer base by increasing awareness and creating targeted offers or advertising campaigns to reach the untapped market.

What is the difference between circulation and readership?

Circulation is a count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed. Readership is an estimate of how many readers a publication has.

Name at least two starting points where data can be analysed by organisations.

1. Mean. The arithmetic mean, more commonly known as “the average,” is the sum of a list of numbers divided by the number of items on the list. The mean is useful in determining the overall trend of a data set or providing a rapid snapshot of your data. Another advantage of the mean is that it’s very easy and quick to calculate.

2. Standard deviation. The standard deviation, often represented with the Greek letter sigma, is the measure of a spread of data around the mean. A high standard deviation signifies that data is spread more widely from the mean, where a low standard deviation signals that more data align with the mean. In a portfolio of data analysis methods, the standard deviation is useful for quickly determining dispersion of data points.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

ATL and BLT Advertising.

1. Name one above-the-line method of advertising with example. 

2. Name one below-the-line method of advertising with example. 

3. Give two ways that technological convergence has changed distribution of media products.

1) One above the line method of advertising is the internet. On the internet, companies can show off there product in a variety of different ways through websites, social media, trailers, podcasts and many more and this is an effective way as it can reach a global audience. One example is new released games. Gaming companies release the trailers on the internet and from that comes the "hype" and then more and more people will do research on websites and social media.

2) One below the line method of advertising is billboards. As people drive or walk past they notice these massive posters that are too hard to miss and if it interests them it will give the company who is using this method exposure, especially in local areas. Companies like ASDA, and Tesco will use this method as they aren't looking for global exposure, they are looking to expand locally in the area they are based as they are supermarkets so it makes sense for them to do so.

3) Technological convergence has changed the distribution of media as now a days everything is combined into one thing. A good example is a smart phone. Back in the 1990's people would have to do more below the line marketing projects but with the introduction of the internet and smart phones, they can reach anyone at any place at anytime as it is all combined into one everyday item.